Tag: booking-through-thursday

Do you have any foreign language books and if so can you (still) read them? – BTT

Personally, I own one or two French books from my Immersion days. I do read at least one French book a year in an effort to not lose my comprehension. When I read in French, I always feel like I’m going through some sort of dream because sometimes I get don’t understand what’s going all the time, or maybe it’s the book. The last French book I read was L’identité (Identity) by Milan Kundera and a couple weeks ago, I took out his Le livre du rire et de l’oubli (The Book of Laughter and Forgetting). Kundera is particularly surreal in his narrative I think. I try to read some novels that are originally in French in that language, but it depends on the author. Next time I read Dumas, it’s probably going to be English.

I have to leave for a friend’s cottage in less than half an hour. She called me half an hour ago spontaneously to invite me. It’s the hottest day of the year yet at 31’C. I’m bringing a couple of books to read by a lake. No knitting today as I wanted to. Be back in the evening.

It happens even to the best readers from time to time… you close the cover on the book you’re reading and discover, to your horror, that there’s nothing else to read. Either there’s nothing in the house, or nothing you’re in the mood for. Just, nothing that “clicks.” What do you do?? How do you get the reading wheels turning again? – BTT

Well, “there’s nothing in the house” does not apply to me because I always have at least a 20 books from the library that I sometimes never get around to reading and just keep renewing if no one has requested them. I actually weeded a couple library books last week; I’m trying harder. I also tend to have books that I bought and own, but have not read yet. As for the mood thing, I like to think that I keep an assortment of books around me, but if I really have nothing. I fall back on my other hobbies: movies, knitting, and I read fanfiction when the mood strikes. Hee. Usually, I get back to reading fairly quickly because I have such a broad range of interests. I’m usually kept from reading rather than not wanting to read.

Currently, I’m reading Heat by Bill Buford. I’ll probably be done it for today which means book review this weekend. I’ll also be finishing up the Sally Lockhart series in the next week or so. Yay for young adult historical fiction.

Where DON’T you read?

I know a lot of people do this, but I don’t read in bed. I have been known to read up to the point before bed (especially if the book is uber addictive), but not in bed. I don’t think I ever will because bed is for sleep. I don’t read when there is water near by. Only recently have I been finally able to read in cars/buses, but I still don’t make a habit of it.


Reading. In. Public. – Do you do it? Why or why not?

Generally, no. I’m a home body, and I like the quiet of the house for reading. Last year, I did read W&P by the river which was nice, but there weren’t many people. Long time ago, I use to read in coffee shops, but I prefer home. There aren’t many places I want to read in public around here. Sometimes, I will carry a book with me for the odd occasion when I go out, and may have time to read such as on the bus. I rather look out the window though, but I do read on long plane rides or when waiting for specific things.

Booking Through Thursday

  1. Does what you read vary by the season? For instance, Do you read different kinds of books in the summer than the winter? I read more in the summer because I’m not in school. As a result, a lot of the books I read in the summer are more longer such as classics or more intense nonfiction. For example, I read emWar and Peace last summer, and I plan to do some Dickens again this year too. I just read less in the winter because I have less time to focus on longer books. So far, most of the books I’ve read this year are shorter than some others I would read in spring/summer.
  2. If so, do you break it down by genre, length of book, or…? Just discussed length, but genre wise, not much different really. I like taking books with me on holiday as well. Even when I know I won’t be reading for most of the trip, I still take something small like Hamlet.

From Booking Through Thursday.

Just a take home exam left, and I’ll be done for this semester. Next week expect knitting, reading, and baking posts.

Okay, there must be something you read that’s a guilty pleasure . . . a Harlequin romance stashed under the mattress. A cheesy sci-fi book tucked in the back of the freezer. A celebrity biography, a phoned-in Western . . . something that you’d really rather not be spotted reading. Even just a novel if you’re a die-hard non-fiction fan. Come on, confess. We won’t hold it against you!Booking Through Thursday

I don’t read romance, westerns or “cheesy sci-fi”. I don’t even read mystery. My friend actually said I read a lot of bestsellers, which is somewhat true and somewhat not. I do read chicklit, but I’m not ashamed of it. The one thing I would say that I am ashamed of is that not only have I read The Da Vinci Code, but I’ve also read Dan Brown’s first in the Robert Langdon series Angels & Demons… and I’m probably going to read the third book. I don’t like his writing; it’s tacky and full of sensationalism, but I usually start what I finish in book series. There are other stupid reasons, but I’ll spare you.

Today, I am trying to do a lot of things include read (which I’ve been unable to do for the last two days), watch a movie that I must return tomorrow, and try to get as much done on the clapotis.

Have you ever missed an important appointment because you have become so engrossed in a book you forgot the time or were up so late reading that you didn’t wake up in time? Been late to work because you couldn’t resist the temptation and left the house too late?

I don’t think I’ve missed an appointment, but there have been times where I stay up later than I want to because the book is so good or whatnot. I actually don’t read that much in bed in general though. I do not know if I have ever been late for school, work, or anything because of books. Probably, but for books, I reserve time for them, staying home to read them hopefully uninterrupted.

This is somewhat book related. I’m finally addicted to YouTube. It is a Pride and Prejudice trailer for yet another adaptation. The actor who plays Darcy is so sketch.

This is my first time doing Booking Through Thursday, so I did a few more after this week’s. There will be a food post later today as I just baked a batch of cookies.

1. Just out of curiosity, as we enter into Passover and Easter season . . . have you ever read the Bible? Just the odd chapter or Psalm? The whole thing? (Or, almost the whole thing? It’s some heavy reading, of course, and those “begats” get kind of tedious.) – I’ve read more of the Old Testament than the New Testament. So the odd books: Job, Genesis, Songs of Solomon, etc.
2. If so, was it from religious motivation or from a literary perspective? Stuck with nothing else to read in a hotel room the Gideon’s have visited? Any combination? – Both. Mostly from a literary perspective. I took a religion I actually did a presentation on the Book of Job. I have also been in the situation where I have read a Gideon bible in a hotel room because I was bored. I think this was in Hong Kong.
3. If not, why not? Against your religious principles? Too boring? Just not interested? Something you’re planning on taking care of when you get marooned on a desert island? – I wouldn’t read the whole bible because I’ve read about half of it any way, and not all of it is interesting or too riveting.
4. And while we’re on the subject . . . what about the other great religious works out there? Are they more to your liking? – Well, I like Tao Te Ching. I would like to try and read The Quarran and the Upanishads.

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