Posted on April 28, 2008 in Books, Food
A memoir of Barbara Kingsolver and her family’s attempt of eat food produced by themselves or in their own Virgina neighborhood for a year. This is my first book of Kingsolver’s, and she is intelligible, funny, and educational in this book. I learned quite a lot about gardening, industrial and rural farming, and turkey sex among other things. Self-sufficiency in food has always interested me, so the idea of raising animals for one’s own consumption, making cheese, or having a fertile garden greatly appeals to me. I would highly recommend the book for people interested in changing their lifestyle and food choices to one that is more local and organic. The book has recipes, but it is not a diet book, nor is it preachy. They do provide information about the food industry and the world markets as result which can make you a better consumer in regards to food. This is a food memoir of a family, and there details of family dynamics, travels, and experiences in their new farm life. I particularly enjoyed Kingsolver’s attempts at turkey raising and her daughter’s Lily’s entrepreneurial venture into the egg business. Another enjoyable nonfiction book on food.