Posted on September 21, 2008 in Books
Busy that I am, I have not been reading very much the last couple of weeks. I will definitely read today. I will finish The Two Towers and The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (thus completing the whole Holmes canon). I will also read a graphic novel a friend recommended to me called The Wizard’s Tale.
The poll is still up on the right side of the page, and while I have decided most of what to take, I am still watching the results eagerly for any “dark horses” to take the lead. Sadly, a lot of the books are heavy and a couple of the top ones will be sacrificed for the sake of me dragging my luggage around the first day. I will be taking a lot of things as it is. This is why I have decided to just read LOTR before going now so I do not have to take the books.
Speaking of Lord of the Rings, it will be easy to finish The Two Towers today because my bookmark indicates that I read more than 1/3 of it six years ago. Yes, it has been on hold that long. That happens rarely, but I start a book and can not complete it due to time, boredom or my own schedule. A couple years ago, I started Little, Big and now own the book, but yet again, I do not know when I will pick it up. Same for Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell which I started this spring. Strange, a lot of the books that I seem to be put on hold are fantasy books.
By the way, there will probably not be a Sunday Salon next week because I am moving overseas next weekend. Likewise, from here on it, there will be fewer SS posts (and maybe posts in general) as I start graduate school. More on that later in the week. I do enjoy the Salon and will miss posting and reading fellow Salonists.
Have a good end of September everyone.
Literary Link:
75 Books Every Woman Should Read – A response list to Esquire’s 75 Books Every Man Should Read. Actually, the list only has 20 books and suggestions are in the comments.