Month: April 2020

This was an okay Christie novel. I brought all my Christie novels to my current home from storage and this was the last one I believe.

It took me awhile to really get into it. I have not actually had much time to read during isolation. I already worked from home and I am thankful to still have a job. As a result, work has been steady. I cook and bake a bit more, but I am a homebody so not much has changed in terms of finding time.

The other reason it took me awhile to get in this book is that it’s a bit slow and meandering. The actual murders and crime seems incident and more of a B Plot to some romantic A Plots. Nothing violent happens for almost 40 pages and Miss Marple doesn’t show up for 142 pages.

While the ending is not anticlimactic, I did feel it was just there. It was not an exciting book. I do like Christie’s writing overall, but I wish there was more Marple or suspense.

Will try to read more books in the next few weeks as my library is closed and I have all my library books waiting for me to read them.

Hope anyone who reads this is healthy and stress free.

Read March 24 – April 8, 2020