Posted on February 9, 2022 in Books
The first of the monthly book reviews so I can get back to blogging and reviewing.
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norman Juster
Cute children’s novel which is similar to Alice in Wonderland. It has a boy going into strange land and has many fairy tale elements too.
The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
This was entertaining for the writing style. The plot was a bit convoluted. What was the point of the chauffeur murder/suicide? Other than that, funny and easy mystery read.
Thrush Green by Miss Read
A librarian told me about Miss Read years ago and I’ve been meaning to read her. These are cozy mid 20th century novels set in England. Nothing much happens. I really liked most of the book. I may read the others in the future.
…And Away by Bob Mortimer
Listened on audiobook. My husband and I really like Bob Mortimer. We started this one together but I finished it on my own. I liked the earlier half of his book with his childhood into his working years at London more than his years a celebrity comedian. It was nice to listen to an audiobook after many years. I like when audiobooks are read by their authors, but I find myself less inclined to memoirs or autobiographies. With the exception of comedians, ghost writers often put too much refinement into memoirs and autobiographies which sometimes takes me out of the book.
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
This is critically acclaimed and popular. It was nicely written and I enjoyed illustration work. However, I don’t seem to love it as much as others. Am I heartless? The book even touched on a subject that has affected me recently, but it did not engross me. A good young adult novel and I’m an outlier with my opinion.