Posted on May 11, 2008 in Books
This morning, I finally finished reading The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. I read most of it, about 800 pages, yesterday. I read the last 35 this morning. I liked the ending for all characters save a couple, but I was really pleased overall with the experienced and enjoyed reading it. It’s been awhile since I read anything so epic and long, not to mention spent most of the day reading. Review to be written later and up tomorrow.
Now, that I am finished that book, I can move onto others. Gilead is still beside me, but I am not sure if I want to read it today nor Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Right now, I am in the mood for something light and amusing such as The Zombie Survivial Guide or some comics The Best American Comics. Maybe even poetry by T. S. Eliot or a book on books such as Bibliotherapy.
So many options! I have too many books to choose from. It has been very overwhelming of late as others have loaned me more books, and the library never stops pursing me via email about requests to pick up. It’s daunting, but I love books so I acquire them and surround my life with them almost excessively. Do you ever feel that way? I don’t even know which book to turn to sometime. Also, I am getting moodier with my reading choices as I get older so it seems to cloud my decisions and book choices.
As a result of so many books and moody choices, I am less monogamist than ever so I am probably going to dip into a few books today. Start them, and then pick up on whichever for the rest of the week. Plenty of material, and it’s a nice enough day to read.
Happy Mother’s Day to those celebrating it.
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