Day: March 25, 2012

It’s been awhile since I did the Sunday Salon. I’m not even sure if it’ll go though so this is a test post of sorts.

So I have not been reading books very much this week, but I plan to do some reading today and tomorrow. Here are the books in the To Be Read queue:

The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes
Timeless (Parasol Protectorate) by Gail Carriger
Girl Reading by Katie Ward

They are all fairly short, but I’ve been a bit busy and preoccupied to read lately. On the other hand, I’ve been reading. I always have to balance those two hobbies of mine out.

This last week, I’ve been thinking about reading more in French. I try to read at least one French book a year, but it is very difficult. It takes me months to read French book. I started Bel-Ami in 2010 and to be honest, I still haven’t finished it. This is a bit frustrating as a reader since I am a relatively fast reader in English. French slows things down. I’ve asked my francophone friends for recommendations of French books that are easy to read. I am not bilingual, but I do understand most French oral conversations.

Do you have recommendations for French adult/YA adult books? I rather read new books in French and not books I’ve read in English already too. I am open to most genre of my books. Thanks.

Have a good week everyone!