Classics Club September 2013 Meme

Rereading a favourite classic at different stages of your life gives you different insights with each reading. Is there one classic you’ve read several times that also tells a story about you? CC

Hmm, I’ve only recently started rereading things. When I was younger, I never reread books, but now I’ve hit my mid to late twenties, I’ve begun to rewatch my favourite childhood TV shows. I’ve reread the Harry Potter and the His Dark Materials books a couple of times, but not the classics yet. I plan on my rereading one of my favourite classics Anna Karenina maybe in another 5-10 years. I reread some of Austen’s works every few years too. I don’t know if they tell a story. I definitely appreciate it more and perhaps in different ways.

I like to space the classic rereads out partly out of time, but also it is true that you need to read them at different ages in your life.

If I were to delve into reading fantasy books, I like escapism, other worlds and nostalgia. I am also a romantic really.

How about you?

6 thoughts on “Classics Club September 2013 Meme

  • Brona

    Thanks for taking the time to answer my CC question this month. It’s interesting to see what books have inspired others to reread them.

    • athena (Post author)

      Hi Jessica! I was a bit of the opposite as I read a lot of new books and only recently started rereading things more. Even so, I’m not a big rereader compared to some other book lovers. Hope your week is going well!

  • Risa

    I pretty much in the same boat as Jessica(bookworm). As a child and young adult re-reading was something I did very often. Now I tend to re-read books that don’t take much time (since I like to read them cover to cover). It’s been awhile since I’ve re-read anything more than 400 pages long!

    And I agree with you….reading a book again after many years can be a whole new level of experience. There are many books I’ve re-read in the past few years and loved that I never appreciated as a young adult/college student. There are others I’ve picked up for the first time in recent years, having avoided them when I was younger, and have realised that I’d picked them up at the right time.

    • athena (Post author)

      Hi Risa! Yes, I also tend to reread short works. In general, I barely have time to read new books these days. I agree about books about the right time. I tried reading Jane Eyre as a teenager, but I couldn’t stand it beyond the first chapter for some reason. I picked up again in uni and liked it much more. It was the right time for it. Thanks for the comment!


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