Posted on October 29, 2014 in Books
This novel is the retelling of Pride and Prejudice from the servants’ point of view or rather focuses on the lives of the servants.
I picked this book up spontaneously from the library’s Express Books as I often do. Looking for some midweek relaxation, I read it last evening. It wasn’t particularly difficult to read, but I do feel I glossed over some of it.
There are some nice moments and if you’re familiar with the Austen books or the time period, it can be an easy read. I did realize early on that I wouldn’t really love this book. While I felt a bit for Sarah, I wasn’t really engaged with her all the time too.
I found most of the novel on the boring side. To be honest, this is a historical novel that feels like it randomly inserted characters with the same names as the ones in P&P rather than act as a homage to the work. I just didn’t really see the link between this novel and P&P other than it sharing some characters.
What got me most after I finished it was that the tone of the novel was very different than P&P. While Austen does have her dramatic and serious feeling moments, the satire, social commentary, and tongue in cheek nature of some of her characters make the novels light. There wasn’t any lightness to this novel. It felt dour and humourless. The ending was a happy one, but it didn’t make up for how most of the novel was heavy.
Reading the reviews of it afterwards on GoodReads, it polarized people. I can see some positives to it, but I would not call this a true homeage to Austen.
Read October 28th, 2014.
Posted on October 20, 2014 in Books
Going into this reread of the series, I always remembered this book the most. It was the image of Laura and Almanzao driving back in the cold winter.
Of all the books. this is my favourite in terms of being enjoyable and it feels good. The Ingalls aren’t moving around, things are settled, Laura has grown up so much, and she is happy. There is one scary moment in the beginning, but it’s not as bad as the racism in the earlier books.
I just think this is a lovely book about the past. For me, it’s a classic.
I know that Laura and Almanzo didn’t have an easy life after this, but the book captures a good time. I would reread this novel again.
Reread October 16th-17th, 2014 on Kindle.
Posted on October 17, 2014 in Books
In this book, Laura takes on her first job, Mary goes to college, Laura is walked home by Almanzo Wilder, and she becomes a teacher.
There was one whole chapter on American patriotism which is something I can’t particularly relate to. I did like Laura’s sauciness to her Ma about Pa still liking her even if her waist it not as small as it use to be.
It’s really a wonder about each teenager having a whole orange at a birthday party. It really
makes you appreciate the fruit we have now. This book was nice, but more a filler to the last two.
Reread October 5th, 2014 on Kindle.
Posted on October 5, 2014 in Books, Knitting & Crafting
Hello! It has been awhile since I wrote a Sunday Salon post. I have dropped off a bit with my Little House series readalong and fell behind actually. I may try to catch up this week.
Over the past couple of years, I’ve gradually knit less. I even started a pair of socks over a month of ago, but I’m just one third through the foot. I should have picked an easier pattern to return to knitting.
I have many hobbies and interests, and of late, my social life and running/fitness has taken over. I am the most fit as I have ever been in my life. It’s taken me a couple years to have this kind of social network; I only had a couple of friends here three years ago. I even started a new work contract recently. I still watch some TV shows. I’m interested in “Outlander” and “Black-ish” these days. I have not seen a movie in a couple months though.
The saddest aspect is that my reading has dropped off significantly this year except for during my holiday to China in May. I took my reading goal down from 70 to 52 books, and even with that, I’m struggling at 31 right now.
I will always love reading and consider myself a reader. Lately, I’ve found it hard to be one. I don’t want to force myself to read either. I think it’s just a transitioning time for me, and I’ll definitely go back to bibliophilia when the time is right. Hopefully soon.
Have a great week!