The Only Child, Stormy, and The Flamingo by Guojing

GoodReads suggested one of these books to me. I don’t usually find that many recommendations on GoodReads but the author and the reviews sounded promising. I requested all three books from my library. All of the books are children’s picture books, two them have no text in the story, and all have themes of being lost and found.

The Only Child

This is the author’s most well known work. The story was based on their experience of growing up lonely under the one child policy in China. I really resonated with this story as we have similar backgrounds. Loneliness was a theme of my life as well. I still work on it in therapy and how to connect better to myself and others. I cried at the end of this book which is rare. I’ve been more emotional lately though. That’s not a bad thing and this book really captured specific feelings and experiences that I could really relate to. Beautiful artwork.

4.75/5 stars.

Stormy: A Story about Finding a Forever Home

This is a shorter story about a stray dog. This also made me cry at the heels of the last one.

4.25/5 stars.

The Flamingo

The colouring on this was the best of all. Ghibli vibes. I didn’t cry with this one but I almost did. Lovely stuff.

4.25/5 stars.

Read all three on August 14, 2023.

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