Posted on November 23, 2024 in Books
The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker, Bernadette Dunne (Narrator)
This was such an interesting nonfiction book. A lot of nonfiction self help books are very individualistic while this one reinforces groups and doing things for the sake of the gathering. It had ideas that many gatherings overlook including what and whom to exclude, defining the true purposes of gatherings, when hosts should intercede, how to have a great gathering, and how to close gatherings. I actually dislike hosting and don’t like having people in my home. Being part of a gathering is almost universal as it is part of the connections and compassion of being human. I’ve hosted alumni gatherings and I work as a project manager. This book would be useful for many people. I am keeping the ebook for reference when I need reminders about good gatherings.
1.4x. Nov 6-11, 2024.
Butter by Asako Yuzuki, Polly Barton (Translator)
This novel was a lot. The cover said it’s a novel of food and murder. The murder part was actually a bit more open ended. I dislike open ended mysteries, but this book was not really about the mystery. It was more than food and crime. It’s about fat shaming, misogyny, gender, work, loneliness, self love, friendship, and found family. It was a bit long and overwritten in parts. There’s a side plot from the protagonist’s best friend perspective which was interesting, but may have been extraneous. I liked the characters. I loved the food writing. This kind of cross genre, reflective, and dark novel is not something I’ve seen much in western novels. The hardcover was about 450 pages and it took me longer than most novels to read. The book was written with depth and was very well translated. It’s not for most readers but I really enjoyed it. I look forward to seeing what the author has in store.
Nov 9-11, 2024.
Seek You: A Journey Through American Loneliness by Kristen Radtke
A graphic novel with reflections and information about human loneliness. Like the author, I have experienced loneliness and know it well especially when my mental health was not good. However, I was a lonely child and my relationship with solitude ebbs and flows. I am in a good place with it. I do think western society is a lonely one. This book was a bit too somber and depressing for me at times. It had a lot of merits but it made me more lonely when I finished it since I could empathize. In any case, a good read but there were some dark themes too.
Nov 14, 2024.
Ascendance of a Bookworm (Manga) Part 2 Volume 2, 3, 4 by Miya Kazuki (original author), Suzuka (Illustrator), Quof (Translator)
This series is so comforting. I usually read one at a time; however after a very busy and stressful two days due to my father’s surgery and work, I needed the escape of reading three in a row. It was nice to read a low conflict, but not low stakes fantasy fiction with wholesome characters. The art is great too. I recently made the decision to read the light novel series after I catch up to the available manga. This has re-affirmed my decision because I want to see the whole journey finished in 2025 before starting the anime.
Nov 15, 2024.
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg, Mike Chamberlain (Reading)
Had the hard cover and listened to it as my weekly nonfiction audiobook. I really liked this book until about the 40% mark and then it would not end. It explained how habits form in people, groups, businesses, and organizations. However, it had way too many anecdotes and examples. I liked the message of the book and it is summarized in the appendix, but it did not need to be that long. Narration was good though. It probably helped me finish the book as I got bored in the second half.
1.5x. Nov 12-16, 2024.