Posted on October 19, 2008 in Books
My first Sunday Salon in almost a month! Sadly, I think there will be fewer in the future. Last week, I made my big move to London, and while I have some things settled, I am still getting accustomed to my new lifestyle which involves less of my hobbies such as reading.
Currently, my ongoing book is Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. I started it at the airport, and I have hardly touched it since. It was one of the books that I took with me. In the end, I decided on these others as well: Don Quixote by Cervantes (the big work to take), Plays by Anton Chekhov (needed a smaller book in addition to the others), The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy (popular on the poll), Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks (popular on the poll and about London). I also took my copy of Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik as I want to reread it before going to Paris at some point. I obviously regret not taking more, but my luggage had to hauled by me alone. I doubt I’ll even find much time to read in the year that I am here. The most popular books on the poll, Lord of the Rings and Possession were both read by me before I left during my delay. The latter’s review will be up tomorrow.
Later this week, I will start posting about London a bit more with photos. I’ve been to a couple places this week, and today, I am visiting a classmate in her home in Hollan Park, near Notting Hill.
Before I do that, I’m going to catch up on school reading and maybe a chapter or two of S&S. I’ve seen the movie twice and the new adaptation too; I feel as if I know the plot thoroughly. It’s also nice to read Austen. I feel her prose is like a conversation between her and you, very subtle, soft, but wry and shrewd too. I’ve owned the book for 8 years and have not started it until now. I have a horrible habit of getting new books and not reading them for years. The library has a priority, but I do not have a London library card yet (will probably get one next month) so I will stick to the books I have brought over.
Next week, I hope to have read more of S&S. I really do not know when I will be finished it. I will try to make time for relaxation again. Have a good everyone!
Literary Links:
Inspired Reading – Book recs from graphic designers.
NPR has a list of the Best Foreign Books You’ve Never Heard Of.
The 10 Most Disturbing Novels – These do sound disturbing, but I am intrigued by some.
30 Simple Ways to Get Your Child Ready to Read – I am not a parent, but these are really smart tips for early literacy.
Criggo – A blog that actually features bad grammar, writing style, and syntax from real newspapers.
BBC News has an on who is the new Nobel Prize for Literature Laureate JMZ Le Clezio.
Posted on September 27, 2008 in Misc & Site
Due to a personal emergency, I will be delayed from my trip for some time, and even once I get there, I will be very occupied for a few weeks. I am sorry to say that the blog will suffer as I will lose internet until I move abroad. Sorry everyone! I hope to be back soon. Thank you.
Posted on September 22, 2008 in Misc & Site
At the end of this week, I will be moving to London, England for at least one year to do my graduate studies. The blog will change as my life does. My life will have less knitting (will be too poor for yarn), less time for books, and possibly less blogging overall as it usually the case when I am in school. The blog will include posts of London centric things from museums, galleries, parks, shopping, photos, and more. While I do not plan to have Grand European Tour, I will definitely make a requisite trip to Paris in the future so travel posts are ahead.
A big change such as this is hectic and blog updates may be less frequent and content will alter. I hope to blog about the things I have always blogged about especially books, but it is too early to tell how the blog will evolve when I get there. Thank you for reading and commenting.