Ballband Dishcloth

Cotton Close Up
Ballband Dishcloth, started August 9th, 2007, finished August 17th, 2007
Pattern: Ballband Dishcloth from Mason-Dixon Knitting
Made for: Steph
Yarn: Bernat Handicrafter Yarn in Hot Green and Hot Purple – less than one skein each
Needles: #7/4.5mm (Aero DPNs)
Lessons Learned: Surprisingly, my first time having to actually to switch between two balls of yarn.
Cost of Project: $4 for yarn.
Would I knit it again?
Yes, it’s very fun, quick, and nice. Good for gifting.

Hot Green Hot Purple Purl and Slip
Pattern Notes and Comments: Easy peasy lemon squeezie. Like many knitters, dishcloths were some of my first real knitting projects. I haven’t made one in a year, and I’m really keen on them again now that I have read Mason-Dixon Knitting. I have a few other dishcloths I would like to try, but they actually don’t get much use around here. I’m giving this one to my friend Steph is moving apartments soon so I hope she’ll use it and tell me how it goes. I’ve never used the Bernat Handicrafter so I hope it’s actually a decent cotton to use in the water. I’m going to use the rest the cotton eventually, but my knitting queue is large enough as it is. School will start for me in two weeks, and knitting and books will sadly take a back seat.Though, I think I will blog more about food now since it is getting colder.

2 thoughts on “Ballband Dishcloth

  • melanie

    Be careful – ballbands are addictive. Once you get the bug, you start to accumulate cotton yarn and you realize that ANY combination is going to be pretty and then — before you know it – you are in the thrall of the ballband.

    (very pretty!

  • Athena (Post author)

    melanie – I think I’ve already caught it. I can’t wait to buy some sale cotton yarn. So many dishcloths, so little time! My other addictions are just a tad bigger so I can put this off. Have a good week!


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