Posted on May 14, 2013 in Books
I only read this because I thought this was the last book in the series and. It isn’t and I’m done with this series. It’s not actually that bad, but I grew out of young adult contemporary fiction a long time ago. I really should have learned my lesson after The Princess Diaries series.
This series is basically a Harry Potter for girls and instead of wizards, it’s a school for spies. They even have equivalents for Snape and McGonagall. Unlike the Harry Potter books, these books are pure fluff in that there seems to be very few consequences for the characters. It leaves me feeling as if the suspense is for nothing since the stakes seem so low. It reminds me how special Harry Potter and to an extent The Hunger Games are in YA fiction.
It’s not that bad because Carter is decent at pacing. It’s rated very highly on GoodReads, but I am really not the demographic for these books. I missed a wider range of vocab, and the little things bugged me such as Bex, the British teenage spy, calling her mother “Mom”.
I think if I read these books when I was 10 or 12, I would have liked them more since it would have aligned with my limited view of the world, national security, and boys. I recommend it for the preteen or tween girls in your life who are interested in spies, but still not as good as some other aforementioned YA series out there.
Read May 11, 2013.