Raven Girl by Audrey Niffenegger
Posted on June 15, 2013 in Books
I’m still not quite sure if I really like the works of Audrey Niffenegger. I read The Time Traveler’s Wife as many others did which I found fine. I read Three Incestuous Sisters as a result and found myself more indifferent to her work. I do appreciate the use of art and writing together.
This is basically an adult picture book except not inappropriate or gratuitous. It’s still strange because it features a man and a raven whom fall in love and their resulting daughter. I actual don’t mind this oddity, rather like this strangeness and the art that goes with it. The ending felt a bit abrupt though. I did like it overall better than the last Niffenegger graphic book, but not a classic by any means.
Read June 14, 2013.
I’ve never heard of this book. I really enjoyed The Time Traveler’s Wife but not long after I read Her Fearful Symmetry which didn’t really do it for me. Since then I haven’t really thought about reading more of her work.
Hi Jessica! I’ve read three of her works and aside from TTW, I don’t think they are that remarkable. This was not so bad and it’s easy enough to read her picture books since they are short. I don’t think she is necessarily the best story teller though. Thanks for letting me know about HFS so I can avoid it. Cheers!