June Days

Some blog business first off: I’ve installed a WordPress plugin to allow people to edit comments. In addition to the other comment plugin of subscribing to posts which is useful if you want to know my reply to your comment which happens fairly often. I also have a nifty new archives plugin that is flashy. If anyone wants to contact me, the contact form still exists as do the comments. I also have all the major IM programs, but I have no excuse to really use them anymore. I prefer long or fascinating emails really.

Updates were fewer at the end of the previous week because I was working. I’m working four three days next week plus the following Sunday. This past weekend, I’ve been knitting and listened to the audiobook for Harry Potter book two. I finished the Rose’s Wrist Warmers today too; I’ll blog about that on Tuesday. I also added another item to my knitting project queue this week. I will need a pair of decent pair of mittens this winter. I bought the needles for the Swallowtail Shawl so I’ll start that after the socks. Right now, I am casting on the wool hat for Dad. This would be a late Father’s Day present, but it’s probably going to be an early birthday present since his day is in August. He’s been asking for a winter hat since I started knitting. The first one was a bit of a failure.

The hat will be good knitting for tomorrow because I’ll doing a one day roadtrip with the family tomorrow. Must be up at 5AM, back home before midnight. No posts tomorrow, but I will be back to blogging and reading on Tuesday. Maybe I will have some pretty photos of the highway to put on flickr.

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