Hour 2 Mini Challenge: Setting

Jasper Fforde’s Thursday Next books are set in a fictional alt-universe version of Swindon, England. Here are some five facts about the real Swindon via Wikipedia.

  1. Swindon’s motto is “Salubritas et Industria” (Health and Industry).
  2. Peope from Swindon are called Swindonians
  3. It is located in the south west of Englan, in Wiltshire, about 130KM west of London
  4. As with many towns in England, Swindon owed much of its growth to the Industrial Revolution.
  5. Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is also set in Swindon.

From 43 places, only 7 of 15 people think Swindon is worth visiting. Ending on a positive note, Swindon was the location for Polish refugees during World War II and many remained.

9 thoughts on “Hour 2 Mini Challenge: Setting

  • Alisia

    What a wonderful choice to begin with! The Thursday Next books are such fun reads, especially for bibliophiles!

    Dewey has posted the first mini-challenge over at her blog. It looks like a fairly quick and easy one, you should check it out!

    Cheerleader Alisia

  • dew

    Hmm, too bad about people not thinking it’s a great place to visit. If Christopher from Curious Incident really lived there, I’d want to go say hi!

  • Andreea

    Hello, I’m dropping by as a part of the third hour mini-challenge πŸ˜›

    This is a lovely post, it makes me feel a bit sorry I skipped the hour 2 challenge (I planned to do it but I got caught up with something else; I wonder if it’s too late to do it now)

    Happy reading! πŸ˜›

  • alisonwonderland

    i am not familiar with the Thursday Next series, but i keep seeing it mentioned around the blogosphere, so i just might have to check it out. (i have read The Curious Incident though.) happy reading!

  • Taylor

    I’ve never heard about the Thursday Next books. Probably because I spend too much time in my RSS reader. I’ll have to check those out!

    Have fun!


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