Fitness Updated: Completed Couch to 5K
Posted on November 5, 2007 in Fitness
After a long time, I have completed the Couch to 5Km running plan on my fourth attempt of the plan. I’ve been interrupted by laziness, injury, laziness, sickness and more laziness, I’m done! I haven’t run (and probably been fit) like this in years.
The last week of the plan was not that fun. I had some inconsistency in the last couple of weeks so it may have contributed to the sheer boredom and fatigue that happened on all three of my 30 minute runs. The runner’s high wasn’t kicking in fast enough, and I would just count down until 30 minutes were up. It wasn’t that enjoyable.
Today, I had great run. I was full of energy. Maybe it was because it was in the morning (usually run in the evenings), the weather was beautiful (it rained overnight but was sunny and just the right temp), and I had finally achieved some consistency from last week. The high was there after the first ten minutes as opposed to the twenty last week. I ran for 35 minutes straight today. I plan to do that for at least another week then up it another 5 minutes, eventually reaching my goal of 45 minutes 3x a week. Then keep that up in the gym or in a field house (ugh) for the rest of the winter. I’m considering running a 10K in May.
IÂ still do 20min of yoga after every running though I’m in a dire need of a new yoga DVD. I am not doing pilates these days though, but I’ll take up again next month. I’m also trying to work on the idea of doing pushups, lounges, and squats until I do. I can do like 2 push ups, but I need to do some strength training.
Congratulations on completing the Couch to 5k program!!!
I’m on Week 4, so this entry is SUCH an inspiration!
I myself love running when it’s a tad cool outside. There’s nothing better than a slight chill cooling your sweaty body while trudging through a run…