Monthly Movies 01/08
Posted on February 5, 2008 in Movies
Sweeney Todd (02 01 08) – Review
Enduring Love (06 01 08) – This was alright. I didn’t really get into it or maybe that was because I was working on my forethought heel. Not fun knitting. The movie was based on a book, and as in many cases, I wish I read the book first because I would have probably appreciated the movie more. It seemed to be always on the edge of some really philosophical and intellectual thoughts, but it didn’t really get there for me. The performances were all fine as I do adore Daniel Craig and Bill Nighy.
Training Day (12 01 08) – Denzel Washington deserved his Oscar just for being so creepy in this. Hey, I can’t believe Ethan Hawke was relevant once. Good only due to Denzel’s performance, but not a rewatch by any means.
The Shadow in the North (12 01 08) – I like both Billie Piper, J. J. Feild and the books. This book probably had one of the best climaxes; the plot is not that great (but not as boring as the fourth book), but the climax and denouemnent were good.
Bad Education (20 01 08) – I seem to going backwards in Almodóvar films. I think I saw the NC-17 version, and it wasn’t really that graphic. I think I like Volver better, but this one has a more complex script. It’s like a gay Sunset Boulevard (or gayer if you prefer).