WIP Wednesday: Twist Festival

Twist Festival

A quick update: I haven’t worked on my Girasole blanket very much. I am on the last repeat of Chart G now. It won’t be finished before September. Oh goodness, I’ll be so glad to finish it. Hopefully cooler weather will allow to work on it before the four month mark. Onto better news…

On Saturday, I went to the first Twist Festival. It was good and I hope they do it again next year.

I did not buy much, but I could have bought more if I was not with my family for which I was gratefully restrained! I did get two things from Gaspereau Valley Fibres:

Festival Haul

My first skein of Fleece Artist! It is a Canadian staple and I even bought it from Nova Scotians, but it is generally very pricey. I got this one at a good price and tax free! I don’t know what this colour of the Merino 2/6 is called.

The Fleece Artist is sitting on 400g BFL rovings. Even though my learning to spin is on the back burner, I can’t help buying more fibre especially BFL! I can make a fine shawl from this.

I made a list of possible shawls for the Fleece Artist Merino 2/6. I know people use it as sock yarn, but frankly, I find merino sock yarn with little to no nylon in it prone to holes. They aren’t practical even around the house.

Does anyone have suggestions on what to do with a variegated skein of 4ply 350m merino that isn’t socks?

For more WIP Wednesdays, go to Tami’s Amis.

4 thoughts on “WIP Wednesday: Twist Festival

    • athena (Post author)

      Hi Minding My Own Stitches! Yes, I was looking at Colour Affection. I am definitely going to put it on the list. As for fingerless gloves, I have enough of those, but I do love making shawls. It is lovely indeed. Thanks!

  • Michelle

    The yarn is beautiful! I’ve never had the opportunity to use Fleece Artist. I’m eager to see what you use it for. The colors are fantastic.

    • athena (Post author)

      Hi Michelle! It is lovely! I’ve never tried Fleece Artist either so lucky me. Maybe one day I can afford the Handmaiden. Thanks for the comment! Happy Knitting.


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