Lime Frozen Yogurt – Canning for a New Generation by Liana Krissoff
Posted on October 30, 2012 in Books, Food
Cookbook Review: This cookbook was one of three new cookbooks I bought last Boxing Day. I have about eight cookbooks now, seven I got in the past year. Of all these, I’ve used this one the most. The main reason being is that right now, I don’t really cook or bake that much, but in the summer, I did canning, but this book doesn’t just have recipes for canning.
First off, this book is good value for money. It has 200 recipes and it’s seasonal based. While this doesn’t always apply since I live in Canada and the author lives in California, the layout of the book does apply to most places i.e. berry recipes follow berry recipes.
Additionally, it’s not all just canning, but it includes various clever ways of using leftover or excess fruit such as in the recipe below. The book is a great resource for any novice or seasoned canner, and most of the recipes are from scratch. There are no packets of pectin around here.
Some of the canning recipes I liked included: “Strawberry and lemon preserves”, “Blueberry Apple Jam” and “Concord Grape Jelly with Green Apples”. I wasn’t a big fan of her “Do Chau” (pickled carrot and daikon) recipe, but all in all, this book is incredibly useful for the casual and serious canner and cook.
There are also recipes on how to use your canned goods (for pies, savoury dishes, etc) and other ideas for preservation like the Lime Frozen Yogurt recipe below.
All in all, I recommend this book for canners and those who just like fruit.
I love limes, but there is a shortage of good recipes for it in canning and baking. The flavour of this is yogurt is tart which is just how I like it. Since I didn’t really drain it, the texture is more like shaved ice than conventional frozen yogurt.
Lime Frozen Yogurt
From Canning for a New Generation
Makes about 1 quart/litre that can be kept in the freezer for up to 3 months.
2 limes
1 quart/L/kg of yogurt, preferably full fat)
150 grams sugar
Put the sugar and 1/2 cup water in a small saucepan over medium heat and cook, stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from the heat and let the syrup cool to room temperature.
While the syrup is cooling, put the yogurt is a colander lined with three layers of rinsed and squeezed cheesecloth to drain. Zest the limes with a fine grater held over a bowl, then squeeze the juice into the bowl.
When the syrup is cool, scrape the drained yogurt into a large stainless-steel bowl. Stir the syrup into the lime juice, then gradually add the mixture to the yogurt, whisking until smooth. Put the bowl in the freezer and freeze, whisking with fork every hour or so if you can (it’s not necessary), until firm, about 3 hours. Transfer to an airtight container; the yogurt will keep the freezer for up to 3 months. Let it sit at room temperature to soften for 15 minutes before serving.
My Notes:
Tried draining it as directed, but it was just messy so I just dumped it in a bowl. I would drain it next time by skimming water off from the mix with a spoon, but I don’t really think that it needs it.
Didn’t have room to fit a whole bowl into the freezer so I put the mixture back into the container I bought the yogurt in (the book also has a recipe for yogurt). The yogurt didn’t get frozen until the next morning though.
A lovely and healthy cold treat. Enjoy!