Sunday Salon: February Endings

Sunday Salon


This past week, I posted my reviews of Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin and Season 1 and Here’s looking at Euclid by Alex Bellos.

I did work 50 hours this week so I really did not do much in the way of hobbies though I did finish knitting a pair of socks. I even found time to play the fiddle again in awhile. I’ve had to cut music out entirely.

I did start reading Bringing Up Bébé by Pamela Druckerman, a book about French parenting, yesterday. I’ll probably finish it today after I’ve gone out to be social and run some errands. Having only one day off is a bit inconvenient, but I always want to be grateful since it could be a lot worse.

In terms of reading, I plan on reading Henry David Thoreau’s Walden for The Classics Club. This was one of two books on my classics spin that I did not physically own but had on Kindle. It does remind me to read more for the challenge from my own shelves though.

Forgot to mention the other week that I bought two more cookbooks. It has become major addiction for me as long as yarn and lip products. I’m now at my limit since I’ve taken space on a whole shelf for them; I really have two shelves. I’ve stopped myself from buying them for now. I do love their photos, the recipes, the food writing, and that lovely new book smell. Mmmm.

Have you bought any new books lately?

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