Sunday Salon: February Blues
Posted on February 16, 2014 in Books, Fitness, Knitting & Crafting, TV
Hello, everyone!
I have not been reading very much lately. I’ve been too busy and tired to read most days. Some readers like to read to unwind, but I am really active and like a book to take me away for hours and hours. Time of which I do not have lately.
As for my book of today, I am still undecided. I could read my Classics Spin book (Kim by Rudyard Kipling), but I think I will err on my two pile of library books. Goodness, I am glad I have not bought any fiction for awhile. I’m trying to hold out until June as well.
One of my reading goals this year is to read more out loud. I think it’s an interesting exercise as it could help improve my public speaking and normal conversation. It seems a lot of words and stories were written to be read out loud such as poetry. I hope to do more of that this year.
Knitting: Haven’t started. The chart is the most complicated one I’ve encountered yet. I gave up colour coding it. I think I will cast on today or this week to get it started.
In terms of fitness, I signed up for a 10KM next month. I don’t have the proper time to train for it and complete it to the best I could. I am running more though. This week, I ran 6k and 5k. Perhaps by the time the race arrives, I can do that three times a week. Swimming is not going as well as I would like. I can just barely front float and glide. No actual swimming to be done yet. I’ll be glad when the snow starts melting so I can ride my bike again and run more without muddy shoes.
This weekend, I watched season 2 of “House of Cards” which I enjoyed even more than S1. You can see my review of House of Cards season 1 and a review of the British series.
What are you doing this weekend?
Sounds good. I like Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Jungle Book’, and will have to run that far again eventually… it has been over 10 years since I did.
Hi David! I really liked The Jungle Book so I’m looking froward to Kim. Cheers!
Good luck with the 10k. I’m interested in House of Cards but I havent watched it yet. Might get Season 1. But still into Homeland. Cheers
Hi Susan! Thanks for the well wishes. Do you have Netflix? HoC is very accessible because of that. Hope you’re enjoying Homeland.
It really is that time of year. I’m so tired of the short days and seriously struggling to find motivation to do ANYTHING. Sounds like you’re ready for spring too!
Hi Geoff! February is probably my least favourite month of the year. Winter is not over and it’s still dark and/or cold. I can’t wait until the snow has melted away. It’s been a long winter. Hope you are feeling more motivated this week! Cheers.