Sunday Salon: Books Madness
Posted on July 6, 2014 in Books
Hello, all!
While cleaning a couple of weeks ago, I was faced again with all my unread books. I have so many boxes of unread books. One of the boxes was exclusively my library books. Books were in my closet, in my parents basement, by my desk, and of course, my book shelf. Everywhere! It was a bit overwhelming. I can’t deal with them now. I have a couple of boxes of books that I have read. I’ll need to consider what to do with those at some point too.
This was the first year in a long time that I did not go to any June used book sales. This is usually the season. I love going to big charity book sales, but I have had too many books. It was a good idea.
There is a more pressing book issue. I am following very behind on my 70 books goal this year. I did not even finish a book in June. So this week I organized my library books and Kindle. I loaded it with a lot of YA and fantasy series. We’ll see how I get through.
I am done with all the reviews of books I finished in May except I didn’t write a review of Roald Dahl’s The Fantastic Mr Fox (finished May 23, 2014). Suffice it to say, adored it. I really liked Wes Anderson’s stop motion film of it released a few years ago too.
I did finish one book last night (at 1:30AM): Curtsies & Conspiracies by Gail Carriger another in a series I’ve been reading for awhile. I’ll write up the review later today.
Today, I may do a little work and read more as well. I’ve still got 50 more books to go!
Have a great week!
It’s so hard to avoid the sales! I went to the local library sale and only took $20, limiting myself to that cash in hand. I still got plenty of books, more than I needed, but thankfully they were all on my list.
Would you ever consider a cull? I’m considering one for books that have been around longer than two years, but I would just feel so guilty having bought them and not read them.
It was hard, but I avoided it this year. I pick up books I’ve heard are good, and I’m addicted to cookbooks so I can’t resist those.
If I haven’t read them, I wouldn’t cull. I do have to cull the books I have read. Even though I don’t love them, I always feel weird giving up books.