Victory of Eagles by Naomi Novik
Posted on January 1, 2016 in Books
My friend told me that this book dragged a bit for her. This book departed from the usual pattern of the first four books.
There was less widespread international travel, and after the half way mark, the book continued to become more grim. Before, the novels would work closer to their climax. While that happened here, the buildup was a decidedly grim one.
This novel was quite bleak and dark times. This novel’s war reached a critical point in the book’s alternate universe. I liked that Novik did not hold back to the horror of the situation even though I found it depressing at times too.
It was not all bad. This is the novel with the most perspective from Temeraire and I hope that continues. I think Laurence’s character developed as well; he is definitely more hard. I did feel for him. I continue to like the supporting characters as well. I still wish for both Will and Temeraire to get more regular, romantic pairings. Ah, well. It’s probably not meant to be in this series.
Onwards to the next novel. It’s been a ripping good time to read this during the holidays.
Read December 26-27, 2015 on Kindle.