Charmed Thirds by Megan McCafferty
Posted on April 4, 2007 in Books
This is the first book I’ve actually finished since February. It’s always depressing when I realize that I haven’t actually read a complete book in a month. In any case, I said I was going to read Northanger Abbey next or finish The Best American Travel Writing 2006, but I have been stressed and tired. I wanted to read and finish something that I knew would be quick and relatively light. That doesn’t mean I’m still not able to reflect afterwards. I always found this series to be one of the better “chicklit” books I’ve read. It’s been almost four years since I read the first two books in the series: Sloppy Firsts and Second Helpings. When Jessica Darling, the protagonist, was in high school, I was in high school, and now the book is her college life, and I’m in college. It’s quite apt to say the least. I did relate to her a lot in this book, more than in the previous two books. Or maybe, as I’ve discovered last year, the older I get, the more I am able to project my life and issues into every book I read. In any case, I can relate to the loner status, the family angst, the what the hell am I going to do after I get my undergrad? issue, etc. I’ve always found McCafferty better at doing growing up, chicklit style novels than Meg Cabot or Louise Rennison. I also feel that she’s got slightly more ‘substance’ than Sophie Kinsella and the others too. So yeah, I enjoyed the few hours I had with the book to reminded myself of a few things in a refreshing way without being heavy.
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