Sunday Salon: Swiftly Tilting April

Even though I said I was going to be back to regularly scheduled reading this week, I have not been. My honours thesis is behind schedule. I am almost nearly done. So not much reading today. I may read some Othello later this evening. I did read Haruki Murakami’s On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning this morning. I’ve never read any of Murakami’s novels, but I am more interested now.

The week has gone by very quickly mostly because I have a been working, stressed, and productive. It will be good once things start slowing down this week. I have been overloaded for the past month that the transition is going to be a bit odd. I will clean, read some books this week, see friends, maybe watch a couple of films, and knit. Hopefully. I may not be doing the Salon next week because I will be out of town visiting a friend. I am hoping I can at least email a small post to update on my reading.

Literary Links:

110 best books: the perfect library

The New York Books Canon

One thought on “Sunday Salon: Swiftly Tilting April

  • Ann Darnton

    Well at least you’ve been productive. Think how bad you’d be feeling if you hadn’t been. take it from an old hand that you’re going to find it difficult to relax after all this work. Don’t worry if you find yourself desperately looking for something to do rather than just sitting around enjoying yourself. It always takes me at least a couple of weeks to readjust.


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