Sunday Salon: Societal Reading
Posted on July 20, 2008 in Books
A couple Sunday Salons ago, I was saying how I was cutting back my library borrowed items down, but this week, a lot of requests were filled. It won’t stop because I put a plethora of things on hold this week. They are mostly for personal research, and I don’t consider that I will actually “read” them. Still, there are many books that I take out from the library and know I won’t be able to read them in the limited time. I have too many books at home for the same reason. I am so addicted to books. In any case, it gave me incentive to finish Crime and Punishment yesterday (review up tomorrow) as well as get through more Sherlock Holmes. At this rate, I am thinking that I will read the complete canon. It’s been a week, and I’ve listened to two of the novels and started a short story collection. I only have two more novels and a couple more anthologies left. I am not sick of it yet though I did acquire more Agatha Christie too.
Today, I am going to read books 2-4 of Promethea and start Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose. This week, I hope to continue listening Sherlock Holmes and start another book such as Dragonfly in Amber or Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd.
The Globe and Mail has an article called “Socially awkward? Hit the books” which illustrates with research support that bookworms, particularly those who read fiction have stronger people skills. I am not surprised by this because I find good novels often have good characterizations and are loaded with themes about society and people in general. I also think that those who read a lot tend to be observers when they aren’t reading. Well, speaking for myself as both an observer. What do you think of the article? Does reading fiction help us navigate the world of social interaction?
Have a good Sunday and week, everyone!
Literary Links:
The Telegraph has 50 Best Ever Summer Holiday Books
Contrariwise: Literary Tattoos – Seems Le Petit Prince is a popular choice for body art.
Looking at Libraries – A nice little way of labelling books on shelves. Pretty labels.
I love reading about what you’re reading. You have a much more ambitious list than my own in sheer volume. I manage to finish one or two books a week, and if I have much more than that on the go at any given time I feel overwhelmed.
Off to read the article now!
I absolutely agree with you about reading making a person more social. Readers are leaders, we say here in Texas.