Booking Through Thursday — Libraries

Whether you usually read off of your own book pile or from the library shelves NOW, chances are you started off with trips to the library. (There’s no way my parents could otherwise have kept up with my book habit when I was 10.) So … What is your earliest memory of a library? Who took you? Do you have you any funny/odd memories of the library? – BTT

I use to spend childhood summers in the library, and my dad took me. Nothing funny or odd other than the incalculable amount of time I spent there and still do. I go every week, and my library check out and reserves lists are both large. I love libraries, especially public ones. It’s a great way to occupy the time of children and to get lost yourself. Not all libraries are created equally, and I will miss my own public library system when I move next month. I will have lots of fond memories of it, and it is honestly, one of the things I will miss the most of living in my hometown.

4 thoughts on “Booking Through Thursday — Libraries

  • JLS Hall

    I love libraries, too. And it’s sad when you have to leave one you’ve really grown attached to. I guess I should be sort of happy that our local library isn’t really one of the best – I won’t be so sorry to leave it when we retire and move away from this area. Still, it’s nice to have a great library to hang out in.

  • Sally

    I’m fortunate to live where there is a large system of libraries so that I can reserve a book online, have it shipped free from one branch to the one closest to my home so that I can easily pick it up.

    I hope you move next to a system like that.

  • Barbie

    Moving away from your comfortable library is difficult, isn’t it? I felt the same way when we moved this year. I miss my library. It was rather large (for our area) and I knew it well. Now I have to get used to the new one and it takes some time.


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