Sunday Salon: Social Networks
Posted on May 13, 2012 in Books
Another busy week, and only today to read. I’m reading Derek Hayes’s The Malaadjusted today.
Since I am learning a lot about social media these days. I have been thinking about the social networks for book bloggers as well.
First of all, I’ve been thinking about switching my commenting system. I use the WP one now and I like it, but sometimes I think maybe it would be better to switch over to Disqus (which I have an account for and like fine) or Livefyre which is new to me, but attuned to other people’s social networks. What do you think? Have you used these on your blog and do you like the format of them? Do you think they allow easier engagement on blogs?
Secondly, there are the book social network sites. Since I am online so much, I have had accounts on sites such as, Shelfari, LibraryThing, BookCrossing and GoodReads. I joined most of these in their earlier years, but I have not kept up with most of them. Do you still use any of these sites? Which do you like the most?
I have found that GoodReads now leads the pack as a book sharing site and have decided to revive my Good Reads account. I even imported a list from AllConsuming, but it created over 100 duplicates. Deleting the duplicates on GoodReads is a pain. I have left it as it is easy for now and with many of my books unread. I doubt I will add reviews either since I do most my book reviewing here. To be honest, I’m a bit too lazy to keep up with these kind of sites but do like to lurk on them once in awhile.
If you are curious, this is my GoodReads account:
Have a good week, everyone!
I do like belonging to Goodreads…I post reviews there and track the ones I’m currently reading, as well as those TBR and Read.
As for commenting systems, Disqus works for me most of the time when I visit sites; I don’t have it on mine, since I use Word Press. Some bloggers report that they have trouble commenting on WP.
Thanks for the discussion….and here’s MY SUNDAY SALON POST
Hey Laurel-Rain, it’s always good to hear from you. I didn’t know some bloggers report problems with WP, but not too surprised. I think it may be easier to switch over to Disqus or Livefyre soon. Thanks!
I use GoodReads but more as a record-keeping device than for the social aspect, I must admit. That said, I use it more than Facebook. I’m not on any of the other book sites. Just don’t have the time.
Hi Nose in a book, I know what you mean about having time. I have accounts all over the place, but I don’t use a lot of social networks to their full extent. I prefer to do offline things, but the networks can be useful for organising. Thanks for commenting!
I use Goodreads more than LibraryThing at the present, but occasionally use LT.
Hi Melissa. I use to use LT a lot too but now have moved to GoodReads but both are good organizational tools. Thanks for commenting!