Sunday Salon: December Counting
Posted on December 2, 2012 in Books
Hello, everyone! And hello December!
Sadly, I have had yet another bookless week, but today, I am definitely going to read now that it is December.
November was actually a good month for me personally, but not that productive especially in terms of books! Historically, December has been better for me.
Earlier in the year, I set myself the goal of reading 75 books. Before I went to grad school a few years ago, I was readning 70-80 books a year, but since then, have tapered off. I wanted to go back to my old numbers this year, but I don’t think I’ll make it. I’ve only read 62 books so far; 63 if I finish a book today. I am a fast reader and I am not working, but reading 13 books in one month is a lot of work. I don’t think I’ll make it. Oh, well.
How about you? Did you set a reading goal for the year and are you going to reach it?
There have been many years in my life when I was lucky to read three or four books in a month. I’m enjoying my current pace….especially since it feels like a treat.
Sounds like you’ve been having a good month, even without the reading.
Hi Laurel! When I was reading one book every couple of months, I really missed the books, but life got in the way. Thanks for commenting!
While I admire your goal-setting, I don’t envy it. I am such a slow reader I don’t even set number goals any more. I just read.
Hi Barbara! I sound more ambitious than I am. I really only set the goal because I was on GoodReads and the feature asked! Ha. I try to have low expectations of my own reading goals too, but I guess it is a good way to be accountable too. Thanks for commenting!
That sounds like quite a lot of books to me. You have nothing to worry about. I don’t set reading goals but just a book a week would be nice. Cheers
Hello Susan! Ahh, a book a week would be good, but it often doesn’t work out quite like that for me. Hope your December is going well so far!
When I was in grad school I got almost nothing read. But, then, I got even less read during my post-doc, so what can I say? Good luck with boosting your reading!
My Sunday Salon
I don’t set myself a fixed number but I do like to read atleast as many as the year before. I am on track for this 🙂