Booking Through Thursday – Choosing
Posted on June 6, 2013 in Books
What makes you choose the books you read?
Genre? Reviews? Certain authors? Covers? Recommendations? – BTT
All of the above and more. While I no longer browse book stores and libraries as much as I use to, I do find myself looking at books others read on GoodReads or on the library catalogue website.
I do find Reviews or Recommendations the strongest. Word of Mouth is easiest, and I will often read books by authors I have read before. I am quite loyal that way.
In the past, I have selected books for their covers, but I am less likely to do that now as I have so many other books to choose from.
How about you?
Covers really do get me every time. I hate that they do, but if it’s not an exciting or at least intriguing cover I’ll pass a book up unless I’ve received a recommendation or am familiar with the author.
Hi Geoff! Do you read the blurb as well or do you run and go? I do less of this cover choosing now that I have so many recs or authors to follow. It’s been awhile since I chose a book solely for the cover. I wish I had more time for it. Thanks for commenting!
Covers definitely play a role in how I choose but most I think it’s a combination of the choices above.
Hi Kristin! Covers definitely help with choice and I admire a lot of them. Have a good weekend!
“All of the above” really is the best answer. Goodreads has been huge in my reading. I look at the 2 and 4 star reviews the most. A great cover is good too.
2 Kids and Tired Books BTT
Hi Holly! GoodReads is a bad/good influence. I can spend hours on that site queuing books. Have a great weekend!
I’m similar to you Athena. I often make notes after reading positive reviews from other book bloggers. As you said word of mouth is the easiest, and I am also quite a loyal reader too. I will pick up books based on if I’ve read and enjoyed the author before.
Hi Jessica! It’s easy enough to convince us especially since books are really different for everyone. I generally pick up authors I enjoy too. Have a great day!