Sunday Salon: Long Weekend

Sunday Salon

It’s a long weekend so yay for me as I have one day less of class this week. Also, I managed to finish my homework on time on Friday so have had time to do personal chores and today, I do some reading!

I started Georgette Heyer’s books last month and requested a bunch of them from the library. I haven’t made a dent in the pile at all, but I will do so today. It’ll be Heyer marathon for awhile there.

In other news, I am still trying to explore social media. I have been trying to use Twitter again (@athena), but I am failing. I am not sure why, but I don’t really find it easy to tweet.

I am addicted to Pinterest though. I was invited in late 2010 when the site was still somewhat new. It has much more content now and as a result, much more addictive. It appeals to the crafter, decorator and stylist in me. There are some seriously nice book shelves on that site.

The weather will be hot today at 30C so I am going to run an errand before noon and be back to read. Ahh that’s the stuff.

What are you reading today?

10 thoughts on “Sunday Salon: Long Weekend

  • Nose in a book

    Happy long weekend! Twitter is easiest if you have some people you already know on there to interact with. I really like it and find it’s now my main source of discovering new stuff!

    • athena (Post author)

      It’s true that it is good to chat with people you know on it, but I find myself so boring to update daily with some remark. It is very useful though. Thanks for the comment, Nose in a booK!

  • Laura

    I’m still getting my head around Pinterest. Rather than pinning/posting items, I’ve been quite intrigued by what other people have displayed on their boards.

    At the moment I’m reading The Archivist by Martha Cooley. I’m an archivist and some of the plot developments are a bit silly. For some reason I have been finding myself shouting “Deposit agreement and access issues!” at random intervals.

    Hope you enjoyed your long weekend 🙂

    • athena (Post author)

      Hey Laura, I don’t make a lot of my own pins, but Pinterest has a lot for people who just want to repin. I hope you like it and we can even follow each other if you stick to it. Haha at your shout. I hope the book goes well. Have a good week! Thanks for dropping by.

  • Melissa W.

    Hope you getting in some reading done today. I love Pinterest when I see a book cover/title I like that I would like to get in the future.

  • Jennifer O. (@LitEndeavors)

    Followed you on Pinterest and Twitter!

    It took me a while to get the hang of Twitter, and sometimes I still find myself not knowing what to do. I do like hashtags…I think it’s the perfect way to interact with people who are thinking about the same things you are. Pinterest is certainly addictive! Social media, in general, takes up so much time. Between reading, writing, reviewing, reading blogs, something always ends up getting left out. One of the things on my to do list is go back and pin all my reviews. And after that, organize my google circles, bc they’re a hot mess. *sigh*

    • athena (Post author)

      Hi Jennifer, I’ve seen your tweets and you are more dedicated than me at it. I applaud you. Social media does take a lot of time so maybe it is best that I only am truly active on a couple like my blog, Pinterest, FB for offline life, etc. I don’t my life to be all social media! Thanks for the comment and adding me.

  • Cathy Kerr

    Even I find Twittrery boring. Our good old facebook is much better and easy to understand.. Its good that you are effectively using pinterest, I have always found it to be very confusing too..

    ANyways I am following you on Twitter and pinterest both now.. Hopefully we both will be able to help each other out in understanding them :)!

    • athena (Post author)

      Hi Cathy! I agree that twitter is boring sometimes or maybe I find myself boring on it. Thanks for following me and commenting!


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