Day: August 18, 2013

Sunday Salon

This week, I posted my selection for Classics Club Spin 3, a WIP socks post, and my review of Sedaris’s Holidays on Ice.

This weekend, I read Robin Sloan’s Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore (awesome – review to be up tomorrow) and Georgette Heyer’s The Corinthian.

The weather is slowly warming up again. The last hurrah of summer here. As a result, I was out too long in the sun yesterday. I got a headache from that and probably the cough I woke up with this morning. As I try avoid taking painkillers unless necessary, the headache grew worse so I was not able to do much last night except I did read.

It’s marvelous when you’re not feeling well, but you can still read!

I start a new contract this week which is good in that I will get paid again. I will miss my holidays though. It’s like going back to school all over again.

What are you doing this week?