WIP Wednesday: Child’s First Sock in Shell Pattern
Posted on August 14, 2013 in Knitting & Crafting
These socks were started near the beginning of summer on July 1st. It feels like time has flown by since then. I’ve been very busy and preoccupied to sit and knit. I need to finish these by the end of the month for Sockdown. I’m past the halfway point though. I only turned the heels on them last week!
As I’ve written in recent posts, knitting has become less and less of a priority for me in the last year. While I continued to accumulate yarn and fibre, this summer has been fairly low on crafting and no stashing so far. I am very glad because I have way too much yarn and fibre. I hope my yarn diet continues to the end of the year.
I use to knit every day, but these days, I feel I knit only a couple of times a week.
When I started knitting seven years ago, I was a frustrated and lonely university student. Thankfully, I am less of all those things now. Knitting has always been a relaxing home activity for me. I’ve tried to be a social knitter, but it’s not in my nature. It’s one of my introverted hobbies that I do when watching TV or movies. These days, I have the blog, books, and other solitary activities.
Furthermore, I am more social again so I’m out and about. Once the weather gets colder, I’ll probably knit more, but I’m actually quite glad that I am knitting less or thinking about it less. The more I think about, the more I want yarn! That’s bad. 😉
Does knitting go in and out of your life as well? Is it always in the background waiting in the wings?
For more WIP Wednesdays and FO Fridays, go to Tami’s Amis.
Lovely socks, i really like both the pattern and the colour you chose.
I try to knit everyday and am mostly successful, yet it doesn’t feel like I get much knitting time in … the little monkeys keep interrupting, lol
Hi Christina! I hope you get more time to knit soon! Thanks!