Sunday Salon: Looking for Fiction
Posted on August 4, 2013 in Books
Hello everyone!
This week, I finished Through the Children’s Gate and that’s about it. I’ve still not recovered my reading momentum. I have too much on my mind.
I’ve been trying to figure out which book to read next. I realized that most of the books I have from the library are nonfiction books. One of my goals this year was to read more nonfiction, and I’ve succeeded! However, now I’m less sure of which fiction books to read next.
Sometimes, you’re just in a mood to be taken away into a fictional world. Actually, that’s most often my mood, but I really need these days I think. I didn’t read much in July due to the trip, and what I did read was nonfiction.
Still not sure what to read next. I’ll consider it more thoroughly after I cleaned a bit today.
In other news, I got some more books a couple weeks ago. I said I wouldn’t anymore this year, but they were free! Someone in the neighborhood put them out. I took about most of the books (10ish) because we seem to have similar tastes. I got a couple works by W. Somerset Maugham which they obviously liked and I adored Of Human Bondage.
For space reasons, I had to sequester them away until I can find space for them. I really should start giving books away, but I haven’t read most of the books I own so can’t do that just yet. I also have just random piles of books. How do you make space for books?
Off to try and be productive for the the millionth time.
Have a good first week of August!
I sometimes have a hard time too deciding which book to read next. So many available, and so little time! Hope you find some you like.
Hi Harvee! It happens to all of us, but it’s more difficult now for me. So many books, but I feel very fastidious lately. Have a great week!
Making space for books…the conundrum of every bookworm 😉 Good luck and have a great August!
Hi Jennifer! Indeed! I was fine for more than 26 years, but now, not so much. Have a great August too!
How to make space for books is an ongoing challenge…I packed up some boxes recently in a “purge.” They are still in the garage, awaiting the next library sale. Or maybe some other destination.
But I would never give away books I haven’t read, and those are safely ensconced on a table and atop some shelves in my office. The numbers of them have dwindled.
There is always room for free books! lol
Hi Laurel! Most of my books are used and cheap so I can’t resist. It’s also why I accumulate so many of them. Sigh. Thanks for sharing!
TBR books definitely can’t leave but I’ve been trying to be better about sending many of the read books out into the world to find other readers. Mainly I do this by inviting friends to come and do a book swap and whatever people no longer want at the end of the day goes to the local Habitat for Humanity bookshop for them to sell to raise funds for their projects.
Hi Kristen! Yes, I do part with books I’ve read. I try to part with the ones I know I won’t reread again. That’s difficult too. The book swap is a good idea. I want to try a clothing swap too. Thanks for commenting!
I had to start storing books in boxes when all my shelves started bulging. There’s a nearby library that has a book sale once a month so I give to them too.
Don’t you just love free books?
As for what to read next, it’s a very hard decision. I’m in a reading slump now too, so I know how you feel.
Here’s My Sunday Post
Hi Vicki! I also have a box of read books in my closet, but those are ones I want to keep. I love free and cheap books. So bad for us! I hope you get out of your slump too. Have a great week!
Somerset Maugham is always good. Maybe your next read should be Maugham’s The Razor’s Edge if you havent already read that one; it’s good.
On how to fit more books … I have trouble with that and sometimes I have to purge.
Hi Susan! Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll have to check if that was in the pile. I can only purge after I’ve consumed the books! Have a great week.
I keep on top of my books by regularly clearing them out. If I don’t think I’ll ever re-read them I pass books on to family, friends, or charity. Good luck getting done your piles! I hope you’ve had some inspiration for your reading since writing this post.
Hi Jessica! You’re much more organized than I am. I also pass on books I don’t think I will reread, but my problem is accumulating many books and not having the time to read them all so they pile up. I did read one book yesterday so yay! Cheers.
Making space for books? Mostly by buying more bookcases! But I do also try to be ruthless about whether to keep a book. I’m having a conundrum right now because I just read a book that I doubt I’ll read again but I think several of my friends might like to borrow it. Maybe I should just foist it on one of them!
Hi Kate! Foist it away. In those situations, I think less is more. Of course, this advice comes hollow from considering my space issues. Good luck!