Day: July 19, 2012

On BTT this week:

Series or Stand-alone?

I actually answered this in my reading habits survey a couple weeks back.

Most books are stand-alones, and some of my favourite books, such as the classic ones, are stand-alones. Often, I do want to know more about my favourite characters, and that is the mark of any good book.

Of course, I do like series though, Harry Potter being my favourite one. I have read a lot of good series over the years, but I also have read some mediocre. If I find the first book OK, I will try to finish the series. This is what happened with Twilightand also the Dan Brown books I mentioned last week. Sometimes though, I do not want to read another book after I find the first one not to my taste. This happened with the first Artemis Fowl and Flavia de Luce novels because one thing I realize I can’t stand is overly precocious/genius child protagonists.

I do feel that the older I get, I feel less inclined to finish a series if the first two books are not that great. I need to be really attached to the main characters for that to happen. Life is too short to keep reading if you think it won’t be worth it.