Pre-Readthon Post
Posted on June 28, 2008 in Books
A little more than an hour until the Readathon kicks off. There is a charity for this readathon and please donate to Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) if you can. It is a an organisation that provides children with books. Darcie has posted a meme.
Where are you reading from today? Home in Ontario, Canada.
3 facts about me …
- I have participated in the previous Readthon and years ago, did the 24 hour Blogathon raising money for MSF/Doctors Without Borders.
- I always have too many books unread, too many movies unwatched and too much yarn in the stash that has to be knit. I aquire all these things much faster than I can consume them.
- I am a multitasker except when I am not. Here is a list of other activities I will be performing in the 24 hours other than or while reading:
Writing reviews
Taking a walk/exercising
Sleeping (It is likely I will sleep at least 3 hours in the night)
Listening to music
Watching an episode of a TV show
Eating and Drinking caffeine
How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?
I have picked 11 books for the readthon pile, but there are obviously four times as many books I could be reading. Here they are, the further you go down the list, the less likely I’ll actually be touching the book throughout the day.
Beloved by Toni Morrison
The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
My Sister Life and Other Poems by Boris Pasternak
The Life and Times of Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson
Summer by Edith Wharton
Promothea Book 1 by Alan Moore, et al.
Paroles par Jacques Prevert
The Minority Report and other classic stories by Philip K. Dicl
The Two Towers by J. R. R. Tolkien
The Partisan’s Daughter by Louis de Bernieres
Ex Libris by Anne Fadiman
Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?
I just want to finish at least a few books and catch up on my challenges. I’m fairly simple with this readathon.
Any advice for people doing this for the first time?
Take breaks. Read short books. Exercise. Do other things. Have fun.
On a final note, also please contact me, using comments or the contact form because I am online all during the readathon on AIM, Google and Yahoo messengers.
Have a good time everyone!
Oooh, Promethea. I’ve been meaning to check that series out. Good luck and happy reading!
Very impressed by the multitasking! Have fun. 😀
Great first two books you chose! They should keep your attention.
I took a pre-read-a-thon walk, and I’m glad I did, because already my body is demanding to know how long I plan to keep sitting in one place! So I love your exercise suggestion.
Love your header!
“I’m a multitasker except when I’m not.” If that’s not a yogi-ism, I don’t know what is! 🙂
I think it’s a great idea to plan to do other stuff during the ‘thon!! 🙂 Your list sounds fun!!