Sunday Salon: Reading Speed
Posted on August 10, 2008 in Books
It was a really productive reading week. I finished five books this week: The Name of the Rose, When You Are Engulfed in Flames, Petite Anglaise, The Memoirs for Sherlock Holmes (review will be combined with The Hound of the Baskervilles), and Breaking Dawn (I do not plan to write a review).
I am rather pleased with myself because a couple of the books were due two days before I read them, and I did not think I would make it. If I had set aside whole days to reading (pure bliss) which is what I did tuesday, I can deftly finish and start books. I am constantly amazed and pleased how my reading speed has quickened since I was a teenager. While I do not calculate how long it takes me exactly to finish a book then and now (it does depend on the book), I definitely do see differences between myself now and ten or five years ago. How about you?
Today, I am reading Alain de Botton’s Essays in Love (On Love) and listening to The Hound of Baskervilles. Later this week, I plan to start Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd and one of the many books I have from the library. I got a slew of Booker prize winners lately.
It’s going to be more overwhelming as the month ends and September begins. My hobbies are even overwhelming me. In the good way though.
Have a good week.
Literary Links:
The Times has a list of 50 outstanding literary translations of the last 50 years.