Sunday Salon: Pickings

Sunday Salon

Hello, world! The weather has cooled down this week, and that was the best thing about it really. It was an ok week. Since last Sunday Salon, I read Lady of Quality and Cotillion by Georgette Heyer (review up tomorrow).

I read the latter book yesterday, and today, I am not sure which book I will read or start. There isn’t a lot of time for reading this weekend, but that’s fine since I did a lot of it last weekend.

Last Sunday, I started, read and finished two books: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and Charity Girl by Georgette Heyer. It was a hot day, and I try to devote most my Sundays to reading now as I can only really read that day. Still, I was exhausted by the end of the day. I have only ever read that much for fun a couple times before. I don’t really make a habit of it, but both books were a breeze to read and get through, but still tired me out.

As a follow up to what I mentioned last week about Austen in August, I am not only going to read Mansfield Park. I somehow found I had 3 other Austen books I wanted to read on my Kindle. Here is my Austen in August list:

Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
Lady Susan by Jane Austen – I don’t remember what happens in this and if I even finished it. I think I did, but it’s hazy. I have this on Kindle.
Death in Pemberley by PD James – I have this on Kindle and remembered this week. I read page so far.
P&P&Zombies: Dreadfully Ever After by Stephen Hockensmith
Shades of Milk & Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal – Does this count? It’s basically Regency mixed with urban fantasy from what I have heard.

If I have time:
Jane Austen: The World of her novels by Deirdre Le Faye.

Anyway, back to today. I think I will start Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte. I haven’t read anything for the Victorian Reading Challenge in a couple weeks, and I need to read some Anne finally!

I will start it and make some blueberry jam later in the day. I went out blueberry picking yesterday. I do love summer!

What did you do this weekend? What are you reading?

6 thoughts on “Sunday Salon: Pickings

  • Lori C. (dollycas)

    I am so glad it has cooled off a bit but my kitty picked up some kind of virus when he got out in that heat. Hopefully he will becoming home from the vet tomorrow on the mend. Missing him as he is usually right here on my desk as I write these comments.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Happy Reading!

    • athena (Post author)

      Hi Lori! Sorry to hear about your cat. Hope he feels better soon so he can keep you company when you read and blog. Have a good week!

  • Jillian

    Oh, enjoy Anne! She is TREMENDOUS. You must read The Tenant of Wildfell Hall eventually. But Agnes Grey is also a favorite of mine. Enjoy! 🙂

    • athena (Post author)

      Hi Jillian! Yes, I have Tenant on the shelf. It’s on my Classics Club list, but I thought I would do Agnes first since she wrote it first. I’ve wanted to read Anne for awhile now. 🙂 Have a good day!


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